BPL List Gujarat 2021 @ses2002.guj.nic.in

BPL List Gujarat 2021 @ses2002.guj.nic.in: Below Poverty Line is an economic benchmark used by the government of India to indicate economic disadvantage and to identify individuals and households in need of government assistance and aid. It is determined using various parameters which vary from state to state and within states.
The present criteria are based on a survey conducted in 2002. Going into a survey due for a decade, India’s central government is undecided on criteria to identify families below poverty line.
Current method of measurement B.P.L. (Below Poverty Line)
Critria are different for the rural and urban areas. In its Tenth Five-Year Plan, the degree of deprivation is measured with the help of parameters with scores given from 0–4, with 13 parameters.
Families with 17 marks or less (formerly 15 marks or less) out of a maximum 52 marks have been classified as BPL. Poverty line solely depends on the per capital income in India rather than level of prices.
B.P.L. Data and methodology
The national poverty estimates for India are based on rounds of Household Consumption Expenditure Surveys conducted by the National Sample Survey Office (N.S.S.O). The round conducted in 2011/12 is the most recent for which consumption data is available. In 2014/15, the N.S.S.O. conducted another survey that did not collect comparable consumption data, but did include information on several correlates of household consumption.

BPL List Gujarat [Direct Links]

Tis information is used to compute household consumption by utilizing the relationship between household consumption and its characteristics in past years. Reported poverty rates at the international poverty lines use rural and urban pass-through factors (from household final consumption expenditure to survey consumption) implicit in these imputations. Because the poverty estimates are based on imputations, shared prosperity related indicators are not reported in this Brief.

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